Dark Glass Theatre is founded on the idea that empathy can change the world.
We believe that giving voice to those who do not feel heard, and bringing to life experiences that might otherwise remain hidden, can free us from judgement and enable us to see each other more clearly, and this process can bring about a compassionate revolution.
One of the most damaging forces at work in our world is the demonizing of the “other.” Therefore we aspire to tell stories that build bridges between groups or individuals separated by discord or trauma, and to equip individuals to explore and express their own stories of forgiveness and healing.
As we identify with others on stage – people who are living and breathing right in front of us – we are confronted with our common bond. We can no longer judge the “characters” as we consider the world from their point of view.
As we come face to face with another’s perspective, without judgement, we are empowered to act in love, and that action can change the world.
“Dark Glass Theatre opens a world up to the audience that we are unlikely to have experienced and unlikely to have even heard of.”
- Liz Gloucester